SemaTESK project on testing semantics checkers is now open
In ISP RAS, an automatic method, named SemaTESK (Semantics Testing Kit), for generation of test sets for a translator front end has been developed. The method focuses on the validation and verification of static semantics checker. Most the know methods for semantics test generation produce test suites by filtering a pre-generated set of random texts in the target language. In contrast, SemaTESK allows to generate tests for context conditions directly. It significantly reduces generation time and allows reaching relevant completeness criteria. The SemaTESK method to specify static semantics allows to formalize informal requirements described in normative documents (e.g. standard). The method includes SRL notation for compact formal specification of context conditions. The method is supported by STG prototype tool for efficient generation of test suite from SRL specification.
The SemaTESK method has been used in a number of projects, including testing static semantics checkers of C and Java.
We start an open research project on semantics checker testing based on the SemaTESK method.

In the project, we plan to perform the following activities:
  • application of the SemaTESK method to describe semantics and to generate tests for various programming languages (or some subsets of them);
  • improvement of the SemaTESK method, in particular:
    • improvement of SRL;
    • improvement of test generation algorithms;
  • development of the test generator product version;
  • research of possibility to perform direct generation of tests for semantics testing on the basis of descriptions in the form of attribute grammars.

The project material is available here:
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